Get Rid Of Unwanted Fat!

Therefore, after treatment, a regular exercise program and good nutrition are critical to maintaining results. There are many areas that can be treated by Lipodissolve such as double chin, jowl area, underbelly, Loverbelly, love handles, outer thighs, inner thighs, upper arms, Saddle Bags and bra-line. Fat dissolving injections are a product which contains deoxycholic acid and helps absorb fat in food. The product is injected into the fat in the double chin area and permanently destroys the fat cells by a process known as adipocytolysis. Once the fat cells have been destroyed they cannot store fat again.
The first session is necessarily a careful treatment with a low dose. Most people feel one treatment is not enough for their needs. We are not providing dermal filler treatments Sydney any treatments that may be provided by persons who are not AHPRA Registered health practitioners, such as beauticians, including laser skin treatments.

After injection the area can feel warm, like the feeling of sunburn. This is a temporary side effect which settles over the next hour. Before proceeding, you should seek the opinion of an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Side effects are temporary such as swelling, bruising and pain.
Lipodissolve Mesotherapy been medically proven as a safe and highly effective wat to treat double chins and for sculpting the body. Double Chin injection treatments are highly successful with over 95% success rate, especially when combined with diet and exercise. Lipodissolve Mesotherapy has evolved to become the most successful breakthrough for reducing cellulite and body sculpturing.

Lipodissolve Mesotherapy is considered to be permanent when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Areas that have had Lipodissolve Mesotherapy performed will not recur. Results depend upon several factors such as body type and severity of the condition. On average, results will become visible after 1- 2 fat injection treatment sessions, and continue to improve for several months after the last treatment. Our body treatment sessions for PPC treatments are $890 each, or prepay three for $2590. Importantly, for each of our treatments you get a full dose of 2500mg of PPC, even your first treatment.
The potential side effects include the risk of minor bruising, swelling and soreness in the treated area. These side effects may be at their peak 48 hours after the procedure and resolve within two weeks. The active ingredient that makes the fat cells melt away is called Phosphatidylcholine (“PPC”). It causes lysis of the cell walls, allowing the fat inside the cells to be released, metabolized and excreted by the body in urine.
There are no ‘dermal or cosmetic’ nurses to do consultations or treatments at any Áda clinic. Patricia’s passion for helping patients look and feel better about themselves has led her to the journey of the Cosmedical Journey and has worked in Melbourne at the Anti-aging Cosmedical group from 2010 till 2014. Thereafter Patricia joined the MD Cosmedical solution team in 2014. Elena joined MD Cosmedical Solutions in 2018 where she became our leading nurse in our Sydney CBD Clinic.

Our staff will personally take the time to educate you and enable you to make the right choice, based on your unique requirements. We will discuss all of the options available to achieve the most desirable outcome for you. We know everyone is unique and deserve their very own approach to their skin treatment. So whether you need some advice or are ready for treatment, we invite you to make an appointment today so we can assist you in experiencing a positive journey to better skin and a more confident future.
A dose of PPC ( phosphotidylcholine - phospholipids that supply the basic structure of cell membranes) into the fatty tissue will cause the fat cells to break and open and release that fat. PPC destroys the fat cells, which then empty themselves of fat reducing the fat capacity of the area being treated. With Lipodissolve, a series of micro-injections are injected to dissolve fat deposits on the face and body. It is an effective treatment option for treating localized fat reduction without surgery. The number of treatments required depends on how much submental fullness the patient has, but many patients have experienced visible improvement results within 2 to 4 treatments.
Firmess under the chin – Studies show that 16% of patients will feel firmness or ‘induration’ under the skin after treatment. This is not a worrying symptom and resolves, on average, after 51 days according to studies. Swelling around the area injected – We expect to see swelling. We recommend not going back to work on the day of treatment and using ice on the neck intermittently in the hours after treatment.

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